I looked at the calendar today. Right there at the top, in big, bold numbers, there it is:
that's what year it is, right?
It seems, that someone, somewhere, somehow, for some unknown reason (at least unknown to me), has decided to change that.
It's not 2013 at all. Well, maybe I'm going a bit too far. It's still 2013 as far as the Gregorian calendar is concerned. I'll give you that. The question that baffles me is who
(whom?) is it that resides in the mythical ivory tower in the faraway land making arbitrary decisions for all of us lowly consumers throughout the globe? Not following me yet? Then please, let me clarify. I believe that someone, somewhere, somehow, has decided to declare this year,
2013, at least
unofficially, to be, pause..................wait, wait, wait for it, drum-roll please.......
The Year of the Owl
I honestly never planned to do this, but one day as I was out and about browsing in a store, I'm not even sure which one, maybe it was Home Goods or Joanne's or Ross - no matter...they all have pretty much the same made-in-China stuff-for-sale that the homogenizing of America, no...of the world, has brought to our society. But there I go, digressing into uncharted territory that is meant for another time and place - sorry about that. Well, anyway, for some reason I decided to get out my handy-dandy iPhone and snap a picture of this metal-owl-wall-sculpture-thingy.
This is him, the owl who (or should I say hoo?) started it:
Being an artsy-crafty-type I will take photos of many things that interest me throughout the week, when it suits me. I even took a ton of photos of the ceilings and rafters in a Walmart garden center one day. Anyway, after I took that first owl photo, it was as though all of the owls the world over sent out a call to reproduce everywhere! It's kind of like when you get a new car, or a new-to-you car, and all of a sudden every other car on the road is your same model. Or is it? Doesn't it just seem that way? Maybe with cars, but no, sir, not with these owls, I kid you not! The owls truly are all over the place. Owls ad nauseam!*
*But for some reason I still think they're cute.
I did not search them out.
I came across all of these owls over a period of about 3 months.
Some were on the internet.
Some were knitted.
Some like to hang out as a group.*
*I especially like this photo! The saying that is embroidered on the pillow immediately brought to mind the very special, kind, creative, diverse, and talented, caring, and supportive group of fiber artists who put up with me on a fairly regular basis.
Some were hard.
Some were friendly.
Some were demure.
Some appeared lost.
Some are neglected. I saw this little fella again the other day and now he is passed out on his back; obviously the Florida sun is too much for him. Maybe he is allergic to mold?
These guys like to hang around...
and these, too.
In the picture below the bottom row had those Audubon Society birds that make the authentic sound of each species, the middle row had a mix of birds and animals, but the top row, that's the funny one. It had these little snap-top purses in animal shapes, just the cute kind of thing that little girls would be attracted to, and wouldn't you know it? All of the top row was full EXCEPT for the owls. Of those there was only one remaining. Sheesh! We are all so easily brainwashed...seasonally brainwashed, actually! For what will they come up with next year?
shut up
you get the point.
I honestly
went out of my way
the powers that be decide to
change our mind for us. ;-)
Isn't this amazing???

After all of this time I went into our hall bathroom to wash my hands and right there on the sink, right next to the soap dish, what did I see? An owl. No joke. I'd forgotten about this one. My lovely Dear Hubby had given it to me as a gift a few years back, this little blue and white glass owl, less than 3" tall.
We had gone through some life challenges and he said it was a sign of the wisdom we had gained. Once again, challenges seem to surround us at every turn, yet that is what makes life interesting, isn't it? That
is life.
I am still seeing owls at every turn as well.
My iPhone is again filling up with silly photos of silly owls; no- silly made-in-China-owl-like products is more like it, but I think I've had enough of the owls for now.
OK, maybe not...
I forgot to mention that I recently purchased the Owl Obsession afghan pattern from the Ravelry website: (
http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/owl-obsession) and plan on making at least a few of the owls to use in one of my
Then, I realized I'd really been affected when one night I was in bed watching television and DH was already asleep. I didn't want to turn on the light and wake him, but I wanted to crochet, so I decided to do some wire crochet, which, depending on what you are doing, can be fairly easy to manipulate in the dark. I started making a small ring shape with the idea of making a flower, but then it began to evolve into what I thought may look like little eyeglasses, then they looked like eyes, and then I changed colors, and before I knew it, it was becoming...yes, you guessed it...an owl. I never planned for this to turn out like an owl...it just happened. So here it is,
another UFO, which will be completed at the
proper time, though even I do not know when that might be.
Maybe instead of the afghan being called Owl Obsession,
that should be my name instead!
It's weird, because I really am not that into it; it's just that I am completely astounded (& almost nauseated) by the overwhelming, over-doing of this kind of thing. I just need to stay home (and off of the internet, too), in my little chair with my little crochet hook and my little knitting needles and my micro-jigsaw and my sewing machine and most of all, my fine, fine, fibery friends, which I have barely yet touched on in this blog, for fear that once I begin to write about my admiration for them and how they inspire me, I may never have time to create fiber art again.
Finding peace in creativity,