Same result! Well, I'm certain you've figured out the's quite obvious actually: Someone who specializes in...debris. A debris specialist. But any way you slice it, isn't it just a euphemism for hoarder? Junk collector? Trash collector? Fred Sanford, perhaps?
That said, now let me get to the point. I did it again. Last week, Alice was taking me for another exercise walk and there it was, another painter's canvas discarded by the dumpster, this one unfinished, yet undamaged. A flash of bright color jumped out at me as we rounded the corner. This is too much! Not again! There must be a temperamental artist living in this condominium complex.
Holy cow! What's a good debriologist to do? Just leave the thing? Not on your life, Alice! Now, unlike my first dumpster painting bonanza, this one has yet to tell me what it wants to be, so for now it shall hang in our hallway, in the exact state as you see it, providing a burst of color and inspiration. I'll wait for it to speak to me and enjoy it in the meantime. Smile. I pray the artist who discarded it finds peace in their creativity, whomever they are.
Finding peace in creativity,